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Adult relatedness
Test of Object Relations (TOO)

The Test of Object Relations (Zvelc, 1998a; Zvelc, 1998b) is a new self-report questionnaire for measuring object relations in adolescence and adulthood.

The Test of Object Relations is built according to the psychoanalytic object relations theory. It measures 6 basic dimensions of object relations:
- Symbiotic Merging
- Separation Anxiety
- Narcissizem
- Egocentricity
- Social Isolation
- Fear of Engulfment

This dimensions where found to be basic aspects of interpersonal relatedness according to psychoanalytic relational theories.

Some other characteristics

The Test of Object Relations consists of 95 items, which correspond with six scales of object relations.
The test was built according to Loevinger's model of test construction, which includes three phases of validation: theoretical-substantive, internal-structural, and external-criterion. Items were first written according to the theory and selected on the basis of four psychotherapists, who work from object relations perspective. After that items were selected on the basis of psychometric characteristics.
TOO has good theoretical and internal-structural validity (Zvelc, 1998b). External validation is in progress. There are already some studies, which speak about external validity of TOO (Zvelc, 1998a; Zvelc, 1999; Zvelc, 2000; Kobal, 2001).

Basic references

Zvelc, G. (1998a). Proces separacije-individualizacije ter objektni odnosi pri osebah, ki so odvisne od drog. [The separation-individuation process and object relations among drug addicts]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za psihologijo.

Zvelc, G. (1998b). Razvoj testa objektnih odnosov. [Development of the Test of Object Relations]. Psiholoska obzorja. Horizons of Psychology, vol.7, 3, 51-67.

Zvelc, G. (1999). Znacilnosti medosebnih odnosov oseb, ki so vkljucene v metadonski vzdrzevalni program.
Characteristics of the interpersonal relatedness among
individuals, who are participants in the methadone maintenance program]. Povzetek prispevka, ki ga je avtor imel na 1. Slovenski konferenci o odvisnosti, 20-22.maja
1999. [Abstract of the paper presented on the first Slovenian conference on addiction,20-22. May 1999].

Zvelc, G. (2000). Znacilnosti objektnih odnosov oseb, ki so odvisne od drog.[Characteristics of the object relations of drug addicts]. Odvisnosti. [Addictions]. Leto (Year) 1, 1-2,21-27.

Kobal, L. (2001). Razvoj diadnih odnosov v kontekstu prostovoljske organizacije. [Development of dyadic relationships in the context of voluntary organization].
Magisterska naloga. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za psihologijo.